What Are The Different Structural Types Of Retaining Walls?

Image presents What Are The Different Structural Types Of Retaining Walls - Stone Retaining Wall

Retaining walls are structures that support soil and other materials at different heights. These are commonly used in landscaping, construction, and civil engineering projects to create a usable space or provide a barrier for erosion control. There are many different structural types of retaining walls such as stone retaining wall, gravity walls, cantilever walls, and base slabs.

Each type of wall has its own unique properties and is used in different situations. This article will give an overview of the different types of retaining walls, their uses, and how they are constructed.

What are the different types of retaining walls?

There are several different types of retaining walls that can be used for a variety of applications. Here is a list of some of the most common types of retaining walls:

  • Gravity retaining wall: This type of wall is constructed with stone, concrete, or masonry blocks and relies on its own weight to resist pressure from the soil behind it. Gravity walls are often used in residential applications and can be used to create terraced gardens or provide extra privacy.
  • Cantilever retaining walls: These walls are constructed with reinforced concrete and steel beams, and use the force of gravity to hold back the soil. Cantilever walls are often used in commercial applications where greater loads will be placed on them.
  • Base slab: A base slab is a flat layer of concrete or other material that acts as a foundation for the wall system. The base slab provides support for the wall and helps to distribute the load evenly.
  • Piled retaining wall: This type of wall is constructed with steel or wood piles driven into the ground. The piles are then connected with metal beams, struts, and braces to create a sturdy retaining wall system. They are popular in areas where soil conditions require extra stability.
  • Anchored retaining wall: An anchored retaining wall is a type of wall that uses anchors. Such as steel cables, strips, or rods to provide additional stability. They are often used in areas with steep slopes. Or, when the load on the wall is too great for other types of retaining walls.
  • Earth pressure retaining walls: These walls are constructed with layers of soil and other materials. Such as stone, timber, or reinforced concrete.
  • Sheet pile walls: Sheet pile walls are made up of interlocking sheets of steel, wood, or other material that are driven into the ground. They can be used to create a barrier against water seepage and erosion. These walls are often used in seaside areas to protect buildings from storms or rising tides.
  • Stone retaining walls: Stone retaining walls are constructed with stones of all shapes and sizes. They can provide a beautiful aesthetic and are often used in gardens or other landscaping projects.
  • Reinforced concrete retaining walls: These are constructed with reinforced concrete beams and columns to create a strong, durable retaining wall system. Reinforced concrete walls are often used in commercial applications and can be designed to meet specific structural requirements.

What type of retaining wall will best suit your needs?

When selecting a type of retaining wall for your project, there are a few factors to consider. Here are some things to think about when selecting the best type of it for your project:

  • The soil conditions in your area – Different types of retaining walls are better suited to different soil conditions.
  • The load that will be placed on the wall – Different types of it have varying levels of strength and can support different amounts of weight.
  • The aesthetic appeal of the wall – Your choice of the wall should be complementary to the surrounding environment and provide a pleasing aesthetic.
  • The cost – Different types of retaining walls have different costs associated with them.

No matter which type of retaining wall you choose, it is important to make sure that it is designed and built properly. If you are unsure about which type of it is best for your project, it is best to consult with a professional or contractor. They also know the best way to construct a retaining wall to ensure safety and security.

Maintenance and repair of a stone retaining wall

Maintenance and repair of stone retaining walls should be done regularly in order to ensure that the structure remains safe and secure. Stone retaining walls are typically built with individual stones. So, it is important to check for any gaps or cracks between the stones that could cause instability.

Regularly inspecting the wall can help to identify any structural issues before they become serious problems. Repairing broken or loose stone walls can also help to maintain the structural integrity of the wall.

In addition, it is important to keep the area around the stone retaining wall clear of debris and vegetation in order to ensure proper drainage. Over time, soil can build up around the base of a stone retaining wall, which can cause instability. Therefore, it’s important to conduct regular inspections for indications of erosion and eliminate surplus soil to prevent potential complications.

What is the comparison of the different types?

The different types of retaining walls vary in terms of installation, materials used, and cost. Stone retaining walls are generally the most expensive option, as they require more labour to install and more materials. Gravity walls are inexpensive and easy to install, but may not be suitable for areas with high loads. 

  • Reinforced concrete walls provide a strong and durable structure but can be costly due to the materials and labour required. 
  • Cantilever walls are also strong and durable, but can be more expensive due to the complexity of the design. 
  • Piled walls provide a cost-effective solution, but they require a great deal of planning and professional expertise. 
  • Anchored walls are suitable for areas with high loads and steep slopes. But they can be expensive due to the materials and installation process.
  • Earth pressure walls are a unique type of retaining wall that is designed to resist lateral forces from the ground. This type of wall is commonly used in areas with sandy or clay soils. It is usually constructed by driving steel H-piles into the ground and then backfilling with soil. 

The piles are then connected to a footing or mat at the bottom to create an anchored system that can resist large forces. Sheet pile walls are similar to earth pressure walls. But, instead of steel H-piles, steel sheet piles are driven into the ground in order to form a retaining wall structure.

  • Garden retaining walls are generally constructed from brick or stone and provide an attractive aesthetic for residential and commercial landscaping projects. The design of garden walls can vary based on their intended use, with options for either free-standing or concrete-supported structures. These structures such as walls, gabions, and crib walls can also be used to support slopes and provide additional stability.


No matter which type of retaining wall you choose, it is important to make sure that it is designed and built properly. The different types of retaining walls vary in terms of installation, materials used, and cost. So, it’s better to understand each character in order to select the best option for your project. 

If you are unsure which type of retaining wall is right for your project, then contact All Green Gardening & Landscaping to discuss your requirements and find the best solution for your needs. We provide a variety of landscaping and gardening services, including the design, installation, and maintenance of retaining walls. So, don’t hesitate to contact us today for professional advice and assistance.

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