G513 - 6MS5 Kilmore East, VIC 15/11/2024
6MS5 McIntyre 3 Road, VIC - Yennora, NSW
28 CQPY wagons transferred from Adelaide via SCT 3AM3, detaching 22 wagons at Goulburn Railfirst, continuing to Yennora with 6 wagons.
Industrial zone, Yennora, NSW
Container depot, Yennora, NSW
ACE Gas Heater Service Model
We are the Sydney Gas Heater Service professionals with over 20 years combined experience. In winter you deserve to feel comfortable and secure at your home. A malfunctioning gas heater may undermine both comfort and safety as a whole slew of possible problems like home fires and leakage of harmful pollutants like particulate matter or carbon monoxide. And needless to say, there is the common, annoying issue -- your home is too cold and warming effectively!
Do not worry. Ace Gas Heater Service, your regional Sydney gas heater assistance, is here to service a wide range of heaters including Paloma, Everdure, Rinnai, Vulcan, Pyrox and more . Our professionals understand the value of standard gas heater check-ups and servicing, and are on time everytime.
Ace Gas Heater Service Sydney
33/51 Nelson Rd Yennora, NSW 2161 Australia
1300 123 616
Yennora Fire Station, Yennora, Sydney, NSW.
198 Fairfield Rd, Yennora, NSW.
CFCLA locos CM3314 and CM3304 looking quite fresh after recent repaint.
Seen here sitting idle at Yennora NSW
Wickham Freightlines (CDM Logisitcs) - Kenworth K200
Seen parked up at Yennora (NSW) - September 2016
Old corner store
Yennora NSW Australia
Old corner store
Yennora NSW Australia
'Waiting for the release'
Yennora NSW
077428 20 Mar 2016
XPT off the beaten track
XP2003 and XP2008 with HT27 run over the Pine Rd level crossing between Fairfield and Yennora, which is one of eight remaining level crossings in Sydney.
It isn't often an XPT is seen passing through this area. This occasion was due to trackwork on the mainline. The XPT travelled from Meeks Rd to Parramatta via Bankstown and Liverpool. At Parramatta, this train will form WT27, and begin a passenger service to Dubbo.
Yennora, NSW
Sunday 16 August 2015.
Yennora NSW,
Group Photo
Yennora NSW,
100_2732 4468 4471 Yennora 26.1.06
44 App
100_2530 42105 Yennora 15.12.05
100_0728 GM36 Yennora 28.5.05
7333 CRT Yennora shunter 20.6.03
Yennora, Fairfield East & Villawood 1953- Sydney aerial photo
Historic aerial photo, taken in 1953, of the Sydney suburbs of Yennora at top left, Fairfield East at left and Villawood at bottom. Yennora rail station is at top left, Villawood rail station is at bottom left and Leightonfield station at bottom right. Woodville Road is to the right.
Google maps view: maps.google.com.au/maps?q=google+maps+crown+street+yennor...
[Image: 6765 x 7155 px].
Untitled - Yennora, NSW.
CCQY Container Flat
These CCQY 20 footers are a recent purchase from CFCLA. Built by Bradken and constructed and imported from China, these wagons first entered service on IRA services for use on their western container jobs in May of this year. However other operators such at POTA have also been hiring these high speed wagons from CFCLA.
Yennora, NSW.
Sidenote - For those of you who happen to be reading this, please free welcome to post any additional information that you may know about these wagons especially involving their history and capabilities. Lately I've been compelled to learn more about wagons and carriages due to my job and anything else I can soak in would be much appreciated.
CQAX Container Flat
These CQAX 80 footer wagons are designed for high capacity and are owned and leased out to operators from CFCLA. They appear to be fairly modern sporting automatic load compensating braking equipment. However these wagons are notorious for creating a lot of flange squeal around curves due to their long wheel base and overall length.
Yennora, NSW
Sidenote - For those of you who happen to be reading this, please free welcome to post any additional information that you may know about these wagons especially involving their history and capabilities. Lately I've been compelled to learn more about wagons and carriages due to my job and anything else I can soak in would be much appreciated.
CQCY Container Flat
These CQCY are especially interesting due to the fact of there thick body tray. Their iron-riveted patterns and traces of where buffers used to be on the wagons ends clearly show their age. In their present form as container wagons owned by CFCLA, previously these wagons were NDRF rail set wagons. Before that they date back to SRA/PTC days and were once the frames of what were originally the bases of various cattle and louvre vans.
Yennora, NSW.
Sidenote - For those of you who happen to be reading this, please free welcome to post any additional information that you may know about these wagons especially involving their history and capabilities. Lately I've been compelled to learn more about wagons and carriages due to my job and anything else I can soak in would be much appreciated.
ALCo/Goodwin DL531G 830 class 869 at Yennora NSW
ALCo/Goodwin DL531G 4814 at Yennora, NSW
ALCo/Goodwin DL531G 4814 at Yennora, NSW