Tamarama Beach.
Tamarama Beach. Tamarama, NSW, Australia. © Gary Richardson 1997.
Tamarama, NSW
FA mode 6301 frames in 7min.Even Longer App
Natures artwork in Tamarama, NSW, Australia
107 frames averaged over 6s.Even Longer
Tamarama, NSW, Australia
165 frames averaged over 8s.Even Longer
Celest - David Ball (NSW)
Bird in flight - Sollai Cartwright (Germany / VIC)
The sun also rises - Morgan Jones (New Zealand)
The sun also rises - Morgan Jones (New Zealand)
Silence # 1,2 - Pimpisa Tinpalit (VIC / Thailand)
Tripod - Monika Horcicova (Czech Republic)
Looking for Sharks - sculpture by the sea
Shifting Horizons - sculpture by the sea
Horizon - sculpture by the sea
“Nomadic Winds: A Journey’s Rest” (Sally Kidall)
“A contemporary interpretation of commemorative monuments exploring displacement narratives, it is informed by issues relating to consumption and materialism, while in contrast the growing elements suggest resilience and adaptability.”
“Nomadic Winds: A Journey’s Rest” (Sally Kidall)
“A contemporary interpretation of commemorative monuments exploring displacement narratives, it is informed by issues relating to consumption and materialism, while in contrast the growing elements suggest resilience and adaptability.”
“After Party” (Sean Cordeiro & Claire Healy)
“Everybody wants to go to the party. Nobody wants to stay and clean up.”
“After Party” (Sean Cordeiro & Claire Healy)
“Everybody wants to go to the party. Nobody wants to stay and clean up.”
“Infrastructure 5” (Oliver Stretto-Pow)
“Taps into the rampant development that has pride of place in the city, as if humanity has spilled over the boundaries of the mainland and continued building in an insatiable quest for progress.”
“The Music of Steps” (Paul Selwood)
“Investigation of form unfolding and enfolding from a two-dimensional plane to three-dimension sculpture.”
“Arrowhead 20l6 Dark Night Shine” (Takahiro Hirata)
“In Japan, an arrow has a meaning of a talisman shooting against evil spirits. ‘Evil may come from outside but also appears from inside of one’s self’. Here a shining arrow breaks through darkness.”
“Kangooroo” (Richard Tipping)
“Generating a conversation between text and icon and official sign template, bringing a private heat to public messaging. Kangooroo (or Kangurru) is the original spelling, and ‘Ooroo’ is ‘see you later’.”
“Full Moon” (Nenad Milovanović)
“A modular sculpture from my latest series called ‘7x4’ exploring material in its raw form that always inspires me and onto which I try to reflect my own thoughts and feelings.”
“Full Moon” (Nenad Milovanović)
“A modular sculpture from my latest series called ‘7x4’ exploring material in its raw form that always inspires me and onto which I try to reflect my own thoughts and feelings.”
“POP! BANG! BOOM! Little Pom Poms always turn into the mother of all POM” (Lang Ea)
“Humour and incongruity used is a metaphor for tragedies caused by war.”
“POP! BANG! BOOM! Little Pom Poms always turn into the mother of all POM” (Lang Ea)
“Humour and incongruity used is a metaphor for tragedies caused by war.”