PRN1979010025_400 10-Jan-1979 Delaware & Hudson DH
2307 U23B
1/8 front view engineers side "blue, gray & yellow"
Mechanicville, New York By: Unknown — Ronald E Estes Collection
PRN1979010015_400 06-Jan-1979 Union Pacific UP
6919 DDA40X
1/8 front view firemans side "gray, red & yellow"
Topeka, Kansas By: Dan Warren — Ronald E Estes Collection
PRN1979010014_400 06-Jan-1979 Union Pacific UP
6919 DDA40X
1/8 front view firemans side "gray, red & yellow"
Topeka, Kansas By: Dan Warren — Ronald E Estes Collection
PRN1979010044_400 28-Jan-1979 Southern Pacific SP
9952 U50D
1/8 front view engineers side "gray & red"
Unknown Location By: Unknown — Ronald E Estes Collection
The Reality Zone
As you stagger further and further down dizzying the hall, you suddenly realize all the colors have vanished, faded into a muted gray.
You've entered a strange land, where dull facts and figures reign supreme. Where questions of how to pay your next month's rent overrides imaginative dreams of space and fantasy. A land in which fun seems an exotic foreign object of desire impossible to obtain.
With a sobering cry, you realize that you've reached..... The REALITY ZONE.
County Courthouse and States Visited map. I’ve been to D. C., but it’s not shown on my map. Green States are ones I’ve visited and have taken at least one county courthouse photograph. Orange States are ones I’ve been to and have only taken distance photo
shots from the train. Blue States are ones I’ve visited, but have not taken any pictures of courthouses. ( Indiana is one where I got off the train at night to say I’ve been there). The remaining states are in gray. I’ve never set foot in them.
Gray Heron (Ardea cinerea)
Malmö, Sweden
Gray Heron (Ardea cinerea)
Malmö, Sweden
Gray Dell and Veronica AF-267
Sandhill Cranes (2023-09-17 #3)
Sandhill Cranes.
Between 34 to 48 inches in length with a wingspan of nearly 7 feet. They are very tall with a long neck and long legs. Largely gray with a red forehead. Juveniles are browner and have no red on head. Their plumage often appears a rusty color because of iron stains from water of ponds or marshes.
They inhabit large freshwater marshes, prairie ponds and marshy tundra. They are also on prairies and grain fields during migration and in winter.
They range from Siberia and Alaska to the Hudson Bay and south into western Ontario. There are isolated populations in: the Rocky Mountains, the northern prairies, the Great Lakes, Mississippi, Georgia and Florida. They winter in California's Central Valley and across the southern states from Arizona to Florida.
Kensington Metropark, Livingston County, Michigan
Gray Catbird
Ware, MA, Sep 11, 2024
Go away
Gray Go-away-bird [Crinifer concolor]
Chobe National Park
Gray ratsnake basking © Catherine Jimenea
Gray ratsnake, Gananoque Lake
Nathan Gray(pedal steel) and James McEleney (Bass)
Crimson-crested Woodpecker (Campephilus melanoleucos), male
Fazenda Grotão - DF, Brazil.
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Aves
Order: Piciformes
Suborder: Pici
Infraorder: Picides
Family: Picidae
Subfamily: Picinae
Genus: Campephilus G.R. Gray, 1840
Species: C. melanoleucos (Gmelin, 1788)
Binomial name: Campephilus melanoleucos
FoA 2401293 - Good Life
Sponsored by -ODIREN-; Blogpost for Gabriel, .Tardfish. and EQUAL10
What i am wearing:
-ODIREN- Jason Pants
.Tardfish. Bubbler Pipe - Wine
::GB:: Line Short jacket (Legacy) Light Gray
::GB:: TTA Tanktop (Legacy) White +
Nino is wearing:
NinoRo - Zodiac Bindi Silver
NinoRo - Marie Earring
Noche. Nolan Top @EQUAL10
-MUHO- Andy - Pants @EQUAL10
More infos in my blog
Installing a front bra on my mom's new Toyota Celica circa 1988.
My friend Mike (left) and I (yellow shirt) help my mother install a protective bra on the front of her new Toyota Celica.
gray catbird
gray catbird
gray catbird
First, take care of ourselves. Then help others.
If you are responsible for other people, you also have a responsibility to take care of yourself. First.
Gray squirrel with loot
Stormy sunrise