Bel acacias, refuge de beaucoup d'oiseaux et point de garde
2019 Amboseli N.P. en juin
cormarant Lakem Michigan_DxO
Stonechat (M)
One of many along the Cornish Coastline near the lighthouse at Lizard Point in early October (UK) (4116)
William Waterman
William Bullock Waterman, son of Stephen and Harriet Pearce (Bullock) Waterman, was born 28 May 1860 in Providence, Rhode Island and died 28 Sep 1897 in Providence, Rhode Island. He is buried in Swan Point Cemetery, Providence, Rhode Island. He was married twice. On 7 Sep 1882, in Providence, Rhode Island, he married Marianna Field Gardner (1861-1890). They had three children: Harold Gardner (1883-1910), Edith (1885-1980) and William Bullock (1889-1980). On 29 Apr 1896, in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, he married Maud Reynolds (1872-1956).
Photographer is Hambly & Shaal, Providence, Rhode Island. Cabinet Card.
Epiactis prolifera with young (Pigeon Point)
DIGITAL ONLY. Henry Tillinghast
Henry Anthony Tillinghast, son of James and Sarah Benson (Anthony) Tillinghast, was born 15 Sep 1859 in Providence, Rhode Island and died 18 Mar 1907 in Providence, Rhode Island. On 16 Nov 1892, in Rhode Island, he married Sophia Tillinghast Aborn (1860-1917). They are buried in Swan Point Cemetery, Providence, Rhode Island. They had two daughters: Julia Lyman (1894-) and Sarah A. (1896-). Photographer is Hambly & Shaal, Providence, Rhode Island. Cabinet Card.
Brothers in field - LR remake
Point Petre: the ice shelf
Around the corner past the summer impasse.
Point Petre: the ice shelf
Once around the corner (and, truth to tell, Simpson Road not that far away), the wind was driving ice and water up onto the shelf and building mountains. And the wind was beginning to tell, too. I had a tripod but it was secured to the pack and nothing was going to persuade me to take it off. I was beginning to shiver but I would trust hand-held and image stabilization.
Point Petre: the ice shelf
Only a few steps around the corner from the summer impasse, and the sheer savagery of this elemental wilderness said So far, no farther. This all seemed out of control; to have gone further would have been to ignore the message of ice and lashing wild water.
Royal Academy
At our lunch stop near the highest point of Serra de Rabaçal.
barred owl
gold-crowned kinglet
barred owl II
Cormorants at Craigielaw Point_3
Cormorants at Craigielaw Point wake me up_3
Cormorants at Craigielaw Point_7
Cormorants at Craigielaw Point_10
Cormorants at Craigielaw Point-enhanced
Cormorants at Craigielaw Point_11
Oystercatchers at Craigielaw Point squabling over razorshell_2
Oystercatchers at Craigielaw Point Greenshank looks on
Oystercatchers at Craigielaw Point squabling over razorshell